A copy of the Servant application is placed on each machine that will be synchronized.
When you launch the Servant for the first time, it will display a dialog to choose the ClockSync Master to synchronize against:
Choose the Master, and then click on the OK button. The Servant will then synchronize itself, and remember which master you wanted to synchronize against.
Once the Servant has synchronized to the Master, it will automatically quit after a short delay.
Choosing A New Master
If you ever want to change the Master, click on the "Choose new ClockSync Master..." button. You might want to do this if you move the ClockSync Master to another server, or if you have multiple ClockSync Servers for multiple time zones.
Servant Preferences
If you choose "Preferences..." from the "Edit" menu, the following dialog will appear. Through this dialog, you can adjust the behavior of the ClockSync Servant.
Seconds to wait before quitting
This is the period the Servant will wait before quitting itself, after connecting to a master. The default period is 15 seconds.
Don't ask for new server if old not found
Normally, the ClockSync Servant will ask for a new Master if the last Master accessed cannot be found. If your Master is offline periodically, you might want to select this so that users don't have to dismiss the Master selection dialog.
Place in background after launch
Places the ClockSync Servant in the background automatically.